Keeping Stakeholders Engaged
As a DMO, you rely on your stakeholder community to deliver experiences worthy of repeat visits and referrals. Yet, one of the biggest issues we’ve encountered is a lack of meaningful stakeholder engagement, knowing that they hold the key to visitor satisfaction.
Plants to AI: We Were Here First
While we’ve been busy celebrating artificial intelligence, nature continues to quietly remind us how little we truly understand.
A Look Inside Village District
Have you ever seen an advertisement and found yourself wondering, how on earth did they make this? Here is a rare look behind the curtains of our shoot day with the Shops at Village District.
Why People Buy
We all know Maslow’s hierarchy: start with the basics like food and safety, and build up to higher desires like friendship, creativity, and everything that makes life worth living. Yet, even 80 years after Maslow broke down human motivation, most marketers still don’t get it.
The Pitfalls of Microtrend Marketing
Microtrends: those fleeting, viral moments that sweep across social media, have become the bread and butter of social media managers looking for cheap and easy engagements.
Stuck On The Surface
Embracing authenticity or AI advancements seem to be standing as opposing approaches for marketers these days.
Our Spirits Are Still High
Ever since the IWSR highlighted the decline in US beverage alcohol sales, Forbes among other outlets seem to be painting a grim future for the industry. But, any marketer worth their weight knows that speed bumps are just part of the ride. This timeless industry is far from burnt out.
O Marketers Where Art Thou
This is the week for marketers to shine. We applaud all of the brands willing to take a step outside of their comfort zones. Because as we see it today, too many marketers are reactionary. They see competitors do something interesting and want to do the same.
Creativity On Demand
HubSpotThis is something I have always tried to voice to new people at the table. Everyone should feel confident in blurting out a bad idea. Own it.
Marketing Is An Investment
Too few CEOs recognize marketing as an investment: "Net revenues up 48%, client assets up 39%, earnings per share up 80% from a year ago." Good read from @KimWhitler.
Marketing Is Discipline
We’ve all seen the stats. CMOs have a shorter shelf life than ever. And for most, it’s not for a lack of ability or intention. So with all of our marketing classes, MBAs and best-selling gurus with quotable quips of wisdom, how is it that marketing efforts so often miss the mark?
When Marketing Is Strategy
In our commoditized world, marketing can be the difference-maker per @NirajDawar.
Can Your Plan Be Hijacked?
With all of our marketing textbooks, classes and degrees, and our guru books, blogs and seminars, how is it that our marketing efforts so often miss the mark? Certainly it’s not because we don’t know what to do. It really has more to do with the lessons omitted.
BMW Changes the Meaning Of Getting Inside Your Head
While browsing Advertising Age, I came across an article that reminded me a bit too much of a certain George Orwell novel. BMW Germany has recently developed a "flash projection" technology that temporarily forces viewers to see the BMW logo burned on the inside of their eyelids after watching a BMW ad.