O Marketers Where Art Thou
Super Bowl LVIII
This is the week for marketers to shine. We applaud all of the brands willing to take a step outside of their comfort zones. Because as we see it today, too many marketers are reactionary.
They see competitors do something interesting and want to do the same. They see underwhelming metrics, but can’t identify root causes. They hear negative feedback by a vocal minority and pivot efforts save face. They are ill-equipped and undisciplined. They show up with a problem in need of an immediate fix.
We ask for a marketing plan, we get a PowerPoint sales deck. We ask for market research, we get customer feedback. We ask about marketing goals, we get sales quotas. We ask pointed questions, we get blank stares. This is our world more often than not.
Still, we are optimists. We will identify the opportunity. Convince the stakeholders. Devise a plan. And create the campaign. Always willing to hold ourselves accountable to the metrics agreed upon.
Along the way, we will remind you. Take internal feedback as feedback, not direction. Given it a little time. Keep to the metrics, not your neighbor’s opinion. Be methodical, learn and adjust.
Then maybe, the others will react to you.