And Now For Something Completely Different
BRAND LOYALTY Robert Shaw West BRAND LOYALTY Robert Shaw West

And Now For Something Completely Different

Up to now, everything here has been about change. Well, in the spirit of this blog, it's now time for a big change. I'd like to write about the opposite of change - that is, not doing anything. Or, should I say, sticking to what you believe in, in spite of what everyone (pointed-headed experts included) tells you.

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Crisis Drives Change At Cadillac
BRAND LOYALTY Robert Shaw West BRAND LOYALTY Robert Shaw West

Crisis Drives Change At Cadillac

David Beals is quoted in the latest edition of Advertising Age referring to recent upsets in the auto-ad business as “unprecedented,” and explaining such volatility as the product of “a category in crisis.” As the article suggests, crisis demands innovation, and Detroit’s troubles have led to several radical re-brandings, including Cadillac’s most recent effort to reclaim lost ground against luxury sports brands like BMW and Mercedes with the new CTS Coupe.

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iPad, Not A Fad
BRAND LOYALTY Robert Shaw West BRAND LOYALTY Robert Shaw West

iPad, Not A Fad

This week’s blog is in dedication to the latest Apple invention released last week: the iPad. According to Brady Bone, Creative Ops, “The iPad shouldn't exist yet... Apple has shown us the future,” he continues, “Take the agency, I see strategic/account people using [the iPad] as a primary device.”

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Twinkies Go On A Diet
BRAND LOYALTY Robert Shaw West BRAND LOYALTY Robert Shaw West

Twinkies Go On A Diet

Hostess Twinkies are becoming the latest product remade and repackaged into 100-calorie snack packs, a product some analysts say could do well given that more people are packing their own lunches in the slumping economy.

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