And Now For Something Completely Different

Up to now, everything here has been about change. Well, in the spirit of this blog, it's now time for a big change. I'd like to write about the opposite of change - that is, not doing anything. Or, should I say, sticking to what you believe in, in spite of what everyone (pointed-headed experts included) tells you.

For years, everyone said Apple computer would die if they didn't start selling to enterprise. For every consumer who buys a computer, the enterprise buys 50, they said. Yet change didn't come. Apple kept producing devices that consumers loved, enterprise be damned.

Last week out comes an article that says that the Federal Government is relying on Blackberry devices less and less because, among other reasons, employees love their computers/smart phones at home, and hate their ones at work, and are asking for Apple products at work instead. Companies are smart to realize that when they give their employees a choice, they're happier.

So I guess the moral is that if you stick to what you believe in, eventually others will change.


One For One


Post-Modern Product Placement