Pull vs. Push Advertising
STRATEGY Robert Shaw West STRATEGY Robert Shaw West

Pull vs. Push Advertising

We believe an agency's job is to deliver big business-building ideas to its clients — not just advertising. In fact, some of the most powerful and effective ideas we've developed and implemented don't resemble anything within the traditional definition of advertising at all.

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The Greater Cause
CAUSE Robert Shaw West CAUSE Robert Shaw West

The Greater Cause

This article reinforces why a business (and the people behind it) must have a greater purpose to what they do, make or provide. It’s the bigger picture and the greater cause.

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The Power of Habit
CAUSE Robert Shaw West CAUSE Robert Shaw West

The Power of Habit

Habit is strong. It is so strong that oftentimes people only do things because that's the way they have always done them. Wake up, hit the alarm clock, get in the car, pick up coffee, drive to work.

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Smoke and Mirrors
CREATIVITY Robert Shaw West CREATIVITY Robert Shaw West

Smoke and Mirrors

Photographer, Li Wei, creates cutting-edge photography using low-tech techniques. Li Wei is changing the way we look at photography through the creative use of good old fashioned special effects. Creativity pushing boundaries at its finest.

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Telectro Future
CREATIVITY Robert Shaw West CREATIVITY Robert Shaw West

Telectro Future

Globalization. Think it's a new idea? Think again. More than a century ago, Victorian engineer Alexander Stanhope St. George devised plans for an enormous telescope, called the Telectroscope, that would allow visitors to see from one side of the world to the other through an immense underground tunnel.

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It’s Art, Not Trash
BUZZ Robert Shaw West BUZZ Robert Shaw West

It’s Art, Not Trash

When life gives you trash lemons, make art. Tim Noble and Sue Webster seem to be doing just that. This makes me realize that everything one might need is already there at your feet. All that's needed is inspiration and a change of perception.

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Blood Bath
CREATIVITY Robert Shaw West CREATIVITY Robert Shaw West

Blood Bath

The creative folks at Jung von Matt ad agency created some spine-tingling interactive advertising for the Action and Suspense Channel in Hamburg, Germany to promote their exclusive horror films.

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Radiohead Effect
STRATEGY Robert Shaw West STRATEGY Robert Shaw West

Radiohead Effect

Name your price: that’s what the band Radiohead offered fans when they released their album “In Rainbows” online. Consumers got to decide how much they would pay for the album.

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Social Networking Rattles Hospitality
CAUSE Robert Shaw West CAUSE Robert Shaw West

Social Networking Rattles Hospitality

It's impossible to turn on the TV, pick up a paper or look at a website without witnessing the influence that online social networks have gained over the last several years. They're everywhere, and nobody can seem to decide whether this is a good thing or not. Do online networks isolate people or bring them together? Are they dangerous or empowering?

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BMW Changes the Meaning Of Getting Inside Your Head
MARKETING Robert Shaw West MARKETING Robert Shaw West

BMW Changes the Meaning Of Getting Inside Your Head

While browsing Advertising Age, I came across an article that reminded me a bit too much of a certain George Orwell novel. BMW Germany has recently developed a "flash projection" technology that temporarily forces viewers to see the BMW logo burned on the inside of their eyelids after watching a BMW ad.

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Spread Some Holiday Cheer
NOW Robert Shaw West NOW Robert Shaw West

Spread Some Holiday Cheer

Dear Army's Army Partners and Members, last week The Army's Army paired with Cumberland County Schools to say "Thank You" to our heroes this holiday season. Elementary, middle, and high school students from 15 different schools across Cumberland County made more than 5,000 handmade cards that were delivered by The Army's Army to veterans and service members.

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Please Be Yourself
BRAND VALUE Robert Shaw West BRAND VALUE Robert Shaw West

Please Be Yourself

Dear LinkedIn, I’ve been a fan and user for quite some time. Until recently, most moves you’ve made seemed to make a whole lot a sense to me. Things like “groups” and “answers” and suggesting people I might “know” are very useful. In general, LinkedIn is a great tool to build a professional network, get to understand and learn something from your peers and share with them.

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