The Greater Cause
CAUSE Robert Shaw West CAUSE Robert Shaw West

The Greater Cause

This article reinforces why a business (and the people behind it) must have a greater purpose to what they do, make or provide. It’s the bigger picture and the greater cause.

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The Power of Habit
CAUSE Robert Shaw West CAUSE Robert Shaw West

The Power of Habit

Habit is strong. It is so strong that oftentimes people only do things because that's the way they have always done them. Wake up, hit the alarm clock, get in the car, pick up coffee, drive to work.

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Social Networking Rattles Hospitality
CAUSE Robert Shaw West CAUSE Robert Shaw West

Social Networking Rattles Hospitality

It's impossible to turn on the TV, pick up a paper or look at a website without witnessing the influence that online social networks have gained over the last several years. They're everywhere, and nobody can seem to decide whether this is a good thing or not. Do online networks isolate people or bring them together? Are they dangerous or empowering?

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Now That’s Good TV
CAUSE Robert Shaw West CAUSE Robert Shaw West

Now That’s Good TV

Ok, I’ll admit it: I was never a huge fan of the ABC reality show, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. I would catch it from time to time, but my Sunday evenings used to revolve around Desperate Housewives and the Kardashians. That all changed a couple of months ago when I got a chance to get a firsthand look at the making of the show.

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One For One
CAUSE Robert Shaw West CAUSE Robert Shaw West

One For One

I love shoes. So, naturally, if there’s a way for me to indulge my passion for footwear while also changing the world for the better, sign me up! And that’s exactly what TOMS is all about.

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Work Out
CAUSE Robert Shaw West CAUSE Robert Shaw West

Work Out

Studies show that keeping fit keeps business healthy. More and more companies are implementing health-savvy regimens for the benefit of their employees and their bottom lines.

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Towards A More Perfect Agency
CAUSE Robert Shaw West CAUSE Robert Shaw West

Towards A More Perfect Agency

For a business constructed on new ideas, advertising remains uncomfortably stuck with its old ideas of how to construct a business. Ad agencies, whether private or publicly owned, are almost all built on a 19th Century corporate formula. Did everyone miss what happened after 1999?

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How Do You Like Them Apples?
CAUSE Robert Shaw West CAUSE Robert Shaw West

How Do You Like Them Apples?

Apple Computer is publicly opposing Proposition 8 in California, which prohibits equal rights and benefits to employees with same-sex partners, by making a donation of $100,000 to the "no on 8" campaign.

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