A Publicity Stunt Gone Wrong

What a semi-untraditional idea - having fans at a World Series game hold up cards spelling out something that sells your product. However, no matter how fresh your execution is, it has to be based around a strong idea. In this case, pandering and corporate chest-beating won out. And the Chevy Silverado brand got a huge black eye.

See, after the Marathon bombing earlier this year, "Boston Strong" has been a rallying cry for the town. As you can probably tell, "Silverado Strong," the planned reveal for all those holding up cards in their seats, didn't go over too well with the town. Matter of fact, it caused a huge stink, and the promotion was cancelled.

Lesson for today - think about your brand from the consumer's point of view. Is what you have to say interesting? Would it cause others to want to find out more about you? Perhaps interact with you? Would it stir up any emotion?

Remember, telling the world about your brand is really easy. Saying it in a way that interests others is really really really hard.


Bedlam Communication Arts Award


On Trying To Be Creative