Seeing Is Believing

This week we embraced another opportunity to implement our philosophy - change or die - in a very deep sense.

We met with members of a very small Southern town to discuss the dynamics of their community. Upon arriving, it was evident that the majority of property/roads were run-down and unkempt - a sight for sore eyes. The community members voiced not only their resentment for the poor physical conditions, but an overall mindset held within the community barring proactive measures to do something about it - 'don't rock the boat'. At an all day session, in the morning we heard mostly disheartening stories of discontentment in quality of life.

When we reconvened in the afternoon, however, we shared our experience with changing perceptions and that critical catalyst of a vision. The group began envisioning how their community could actually develop positively. And what it really comes down to - mindset.

The ability to change others' perceptions begins with first changing your own. While they can't immediately change the reality of their town's conditions, the group realized that if they were going to change anyone's perception of reality, it was going to have to come from them first.

To me, the whole experience was truly gratifying. Being able to inspire these weary, skeptical community members to envision a better life reminded me why I love my job and living our philosophy of change.


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Clean Energy