Old Dog, New Tricks

Introducing WhyAxis: Finding Answers

Having worked with hundreds of companies and brands through the years, we understand the value of an outside perspective. We created WhyAxis to provide customized answers that address clients' specific needs, not packaged solutions. Every engagement begins with a candid conversation to understand your current position and where you want to go. 

With new technologies emerging daily, we can become paralyzed, not wanting to commit, knowing something newer and shinier will undoubtedly appear tomorrow.

So, what if you are a $30 billion company who grew through acquisition and is operating in multiple silos with legacy tools. All of your customer-facing marketing technologies (websites, email, data, digital promotion, etc.) are truly outdated and unconnected. Teams operate independently. Processes are vague. And decision-making isn’t transparent.

This is a real scenario we faced. (And apparently, it’s a very common theme among larger corporations, and not so large companies too.) Our assignment: develop a digital marketing roadmap towards improving that the customer experience and thereby maximize retention, customer value and new customer acquisition.

Throughout our engagement, we emphasized that better technology, no matter how vital, is a partial solution at best. The real transformation is about establishing the ability to utilize tools to achieve desired outcomes. This requires the right people (proficient/trained), employing ideal processes (continuity/efficiency), making informed decisions (customer data/personas). With measurable KPIs for each. And time to succeed.

While we can’t share the playbook with you, we can share more about our approach, if interested.


Opinion Is Not A Strategy


Direct From The Cheshire Cat