Fun On The Farm

Children’s activity book

The first assignment from Happy Dirt, an organic produce wholesaler, for The Republik was to create a marketing strategy, brand identity, go-to-market plan and a social media platform for their seemingly endless variety of fruits and vegetables. The Republik decided to dig in.

The next project was the creation of a Happy Dirt branded trade show booth that could be modular, scaled down for smaller spaces, able to travel easily, pre-fabricated to customize with graphics, and have space to display products on shelves and tables.

The follow-up to that was, logically – a Happy Dirt Children’s Book called ‘Fun on The Farm’ or a ‘peek into nature’s magic that makes organic food so good for all of us’. Children, and adults learn from a familiar cast of characters including Flower Power, Sugar Ray, Queen Bee, and Love Bug all working together along with games and puzzles to show how organic farming works to our benefit.

The book will have an initial printing of 10,000 copies and be distributed a grocery stores and at grass roots events.

Republik Chief Executive Officer, Robert Shaw West adds to the story, “ The purpose of this book is to educate kids (and parents) about the power of organic with a low key non-preachy approachable tone. Organic is not something for just a few, its the right thing to do”.

Happy Dirt (formerly known as Eastern Carolina Organics) is a farmer and staff-owned wholesale products distributor. The company develops a marketplace that connects retailers and food businesses with organic produce farms. It offers organic vegetables as well as fruits, beverages, groceries, and other food products.

Children’s activity book

Children’s activity book

Children’s activity book


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2023 Graphis Design Awards