Becoming A Beacon

Trade show booth

When Happy Dirt, an organic produce wholesaler, approached The Republik to create a marketing strategy, brand identity, go-to-market plan and a social media platform for their seemingly endless variety of fruits and vegetables they dug in and completed the assignment.

Now when Happy Dirt needed a Trade Show Booth, they turned again to The Republik again for their creative and marketing expertise.

Republik Chief Executive Officer, Robert Shaw West explains, “Eastern Carolina Organics (or ECO) outgrew their name geographically and we saw an opportunity to cut through the confusion and be a beacon for organic farming with a rebranding as Happy Dirt. Now they wanted a booth that would reflect their bright and fun approach to providing organic produce.”

Working with Happy Dirt’s CEO Sandi Kronick and President / COO Randall Diers, The Republik created a Happy Dirt branded trade show booth that could be modular, scaled down for smaller spaces, able to travel easily, pre-fabricated to customize with graphics, and have space to display products on shelves and tables. All lead by a team of animated characters that included Earth Angel, Flower Power, Love Bug, Sugar Daddy and Superfly.

Using the new booth design, Happy Dirt is scheduled to attend trade shows in Nashville, New Orleans, and in North Carolina throughout the year.

Happy Dirt (formerly known as Eastern Carolina Organics) is a farmer and staff-owned wholesale products distributor. The company develops a marketplace that connects retailers and food businesses with organic produce farms. It offers organic vegetables as well as fruits, beverages, groceries, and other food products.

Trade show booth

Trade show booth

Children’s book


Choose Wisely


Awakening A Sleeping Giant