Liquid Wood?

German scientists have developed what could be a solution to the chemical laden, non-biodegradable and possibly carcinogenic toxin known as..... plastic. Norbert Eisenreich from the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology in Pfinztal, Germany and his cronies have invented a substance known as Arboform, or to us right brained folks - liquid wood.

Without getting knee deep in chemistry, the substance is a mixture of paper waste (real wood - lignin) and other natural goodies to create a granulate material that can be melted and molded." The final product can resemble highly polished wood or have a more matted finish and look like the plastic used in most household items.

"Aside from having less harmful chemicals, it is also quite biodegradeable and recyclable.”

We are one step closer from actually being able to send our kids to school with legos to play with and legos for lunch.


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