Behind The Fourth Wall

Much of our client work focuses on crafting authentic brand voices. This week, maybe unsurprisingly, the new Deadpool and Wolverine movie got us thinking about the branding truths that lie behind the fourth wall.

Breaking the fourth wall brings the brand directly to your audience and if done well, fosters a conversation. Take Deadpool’s case: Reynolds turns the movie itself into a larger dialogue, making the brand feel personal, interactive, and nostalgic. Every partnered promotion in the lead up to release night felt like it was part of both the movie and our world. From superhero condiments to Wolverine's Bachelorette cameo, Marvel Entertainment flaunted their control over the brand's voice regardless of the setting.

Marvel’s real superpower is understanding the value of this unique voice that lets us all in. It’s a great reminder that sometimes, inviting your audience backstage is the key to strengthening your brand voice. By pulling back the curtain, you're not just showing off your brand, you're inviting your audience to be part of it.


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